Friday 19 December 2014


Aquí tenéis el resultado de vuestros trabajos. Thank you!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

International day.

We’ve celebrated the Book Day, the Music Day, Mother’s Day… Some people even celebrate Croissant’s Day! What International Day would you create? How would you celebrate it? 

Sunday 9 February 2014

The perfect teacher.

In a week it's "teacher's day" and we want to  celebrate it thinking aloud. It's easy to criticize and even easier to see the mistakes that teachers make. But what's a good teacher? What characteristics should the best teacher have? Today in class we discussed about what a good teacher is for us. Leave your conclusions here.

Laboral News at last...

Monday 3 February 2014

School day of peace and non-violence.

This week I’d like you to read something and think about it. Copy the link below and paste it on your browser. Read the text and give your opinion.